Starting life with AWO.

Children are our future. We are working to ensure that everyone has the same opportunities. This goal may be a long way off, but we support this cause not only politically but also practically.

That is why we have various projects to support parents and prepare them for kindergarten as well as the AWO day care centre. We organise homework help and afternoon care at the schools. Many volunteers help especially with learning German.

And there is also a large area of educational offers in leisure time outside of school. Children’s and youth clubs as well as holiday offers strengthen individual skills.

Kinder- und Jugendtreff Südend

Familientreff Südend

KiTa Einstieg

KiTa Wirbelwind

Betreuungsangebot an Schulen


Hilfe zur Erziehung

Soziale Gruppenarbeit



Väter für Fulda

Internationales Märchenfestival

Kreativ und unterhaltsam