Keeping an eye on the future.

For many years, the AWO Kreisverband Fulda has supported people in finding a good way out of unemployment.

  • We help young people and mothers with a migration background to recognise their path to the future, to discover their own strengths, to find self-confidence – in order to then take up the path towards taking up a job or training in a strengthened manner.
  • We support and accompany them when coping with their current life situation requires professional counselling or support.
  • We offer opportunities to find a first step into regular employment through practical activities such as work opportunities, federal voluntary service, internships and much more.

Our commitment in this area is reflected in a statement attributed to Galileo Galilei:

“”You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him to discover it within himself.””

Qualifizierungsmaßnahme Lohn und Brot/Artemis


Kaufhaus mit Herz

Stark im Beruf